A & D Trophy Awards 2019

What a Wonderful Night! A & D Trophy Awards 2019



When I start my page making for CDG photo gallery, I’ve been waiting for so long.

I still remember how mess of the photos arrangement at the beginning, and then become in the right track even we have a tight schedule.

It is unforgettable to setup our booth from an empty place to a “CDG” world.

It is unforgettable that my colleagues rushed to the mainland to bring the Photo Gallery and Catalogue  back to Hong Kong. It is huge weight!

It is unforgettable that when I was a little photographer that day, I tried my best to record all the amazing moment…

Everyone was dress up very well, the backdrop, the stage and atmosphere, our company’s booth, the new product display, the A & D Trophy Awards 2019,  what a wonderful night!!


We have a professional marketing team, we can provide the most update and useful to our guest when they want to know more about our product.

Congratulations!! When we see the smile on the winner’s face, there is no need to use any WORDS to explain how happy they are. Just Cheers and let the happiness pay it forward!

By | 2020-12-02T08:15:08+00:00 十二月 23rd, 2019|最新消息|